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Ariadne – la rete europea di finanziatori indipendenti che lavorano per la giustizia e la pace

La libertà e l’autonomia politica di ARIADNE, e dei donatori ad esso aderenti, ci richiamano  a un maggiore rigore e impegno sui temi dei diritti, dell’uguaglianza, e della cittadinanza.

Rigore che le fondazioni possono supportare attraverso il loro operato, le loro testimonianze, la scelta dei propri “compagni di viaggio”

Siamo lieti di pubblicare l’ultimo comunicato di Ariadne, una rete a cui Charlemagne, per tramite di Assifero, guarda con speranza e fiducia affinché il cambiamento sociale e i diritti umani possano trovare giusto spazio e enfasi nei paesi europei.

“Ariadne, the European network of independent funders working on justice and peace has just brought 80 of its members to Belfast for its annual meeting. Having heard directly from a broad range of local civil society actors and community leaders it is concerned that the Brexit debate has overly focused on party politics and trade. The unfortunate consequence is that there has been insufficient progress made on addressing the fundamental issues of human rights, equality and citizenship. These were the very issues that were at the core of the Good Friday/Belfast Peace Agreement. They remain central to continuing peace and stability. We urge all those involved nationally and internationally to ensure that these issues are placed firmly at the forefront of the remaining negotiations.”

Per saperne di più leggi i seguenti articoli:

1) Independent donor group urges greater focus on rights, citizenship and equality
2) 2018 Ariadne Forecast For European Social Change and Human Rights Funders


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