“There are two important principals: don’t harbor false hope, but don’t stop
believing that everything you do could be useful”
– Italo Calvino
We assist representatives of the Third Sector
We support growth and sustainability through financial aid and managerial know-how, respecting their methodology.
We become passionate about the different stories of the organisations we support, and we listen to the projects they support.
We are enthusiastic about the results that we have achieved together.
The activities of the Fondazione Charlemagne are for women, men, and children in difficulty, who have been denied human dignity and are socially emarginated.
The Foundation contributes to initiatives that are promoted by the Third Sector (developing NGOs, volunteer organisations, social cooperatives, organisations that promote social development, universities, recognised groups) always in close collaboration with them.
Our mission is to promote human rights through.
Through the provision of:
Economic resources
Consulting services
Philanthropic services
Our partnership provides organisations with the know-how and necessary tools for good management and administration of the organisational structures.
Financial aid may be co-financed or may cover the total cost of the project.
The Fondazione Charlemagne decides which projects to support through the Office of Studies and Evaluations.
of studies and
The Department of Studies and Evaluation was created when the Fondazione Charlemagne amplified the range of its activities and interests. The applies its own know-how to evaluate the feasibility and impact of the projects that are proposed to the foundation.
The aim of the Department of Studies and Evaluations is to unlock the specific potential of each organisation, eliminating inefficiency and promoting the creation of new projects.
The Council of the Foundation will only consider proposals that have been evaluated and approved by the Department of Studies and Evaluations and in line with present strategies.
Foundations that are affiliated with qualified organisations in Italy and abroad, can receive analyses, monitoring and follow-up support, as well as impact evaluations from the Office of Studies and Evaluations.
The Office of Studies and Evaluations is authorised to address problems of international and local community development, in particular in Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia and some areas of the Middle East.
Proposals for valid international projects can be made to foundations that have partnerships with Charlemagne.

Geographical areas
Over a period time, we decided to focus our interventions on the Centre and South of Italy.
Why the Centre and South of Italy?
In Italy, indications of growth and development are increasingly critical: some regions of Italy are in dire need. Carefully focused investments are needed to provide needed solutions to many local problems.
We must “respond with care” to the people in need, who do not have access to welfare, are economically and socially emarginated and without any significant reference point in their lives.