We believe that cooperation between Foundations and entities that have the same goals allows the non-profit
sector to achieve incredibly great results.
– Stefania Mancini
For this reason, we belong to the association…
The national membership association of italian grand-making foundations
and private institutional philanthropy

We are one of the founding organisations and actively participating in Assifero – The national membership association of Italian grant-making foundations and private institutional philanthropy which is privately supported and distinguished by the disbursement of funding (exclusively or predominately) for the support of organisations of the Third Sector as well as other projects that they support.
Associated with the principal private foundations (family, corporate and community) and other philanthropic entities, Assifero has become a leader of institutional philanthropy in Italy, as an expression of the will of the Italian people, wherein knowledge, traditions, competence and financial resources are put to work for sustainable human development in this country and internationally.
Therefore, we established
The department of studies and evaluation
A department through which all the foundations can obtain assessments and evaluations of requests for the financing of national and
international projects (feasibility, sustainability, practicality, possible results, and estimated expenditure…)
The Foundation has partnership agreements and collaborations with:
Areas of competences

Water and Environment
Education and Professional Training
Protection and Advocacy
Social economic development
Health Care
Internal Planning and Management of Organisations
Project Planning