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ECFI Workshop: Climate Commitment – How can WE ACT

In recent months flooding, record-high temperatures, fires and drought have had catastrophic consequences for individuals and communities, across Europe and the entire globe. And while climate change is a fact, the discussion and discourse around our individual, organisational and community roles’ still feels stuck between overly alarmist or stating the obvious. How do we move from either feeling like we don’t have the power to change things or that it isn’t our place to act upon it to flexing our collaborative leadership muscles and coming up with solutions?

Through this workshop ECFI wants to engage and support community foundations to take action.

The Climate Action workshop’s goal is to share knowledge and experience of ways community philanthropy and local infrastructure organisations are acting on climate, recognising how climate change is interrelated to issues of health, vulnerable communities, housing, food & water security etc, and to explore what action you could take, using the framework of the International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change.

Input from experts and selected case studies from around Europe to offer examples of the role of community foundations in relation to education and learning, committing resources, investments and own operations will help prompt thinking and discussion. We acknowledge that each organisation is on an individual journey and that many community foundations might be new to the idea of acting on climate or might need support in articulating the connection between environmental changes and the problems faced by local people. This workshop is an opportunity to get inspired, connect with the field, learn about different approaches, and to help you commit to taking action.

The workshop will be held online on October 6th, 2021, from 10.00 – 15.00 CET (with a scheduled 1 hour break).

Please register your interest to attend the workshop by filling in this form, no later than October 1st.

More information on speakers and case study presenters will follow, so keep an eye on this space.

From: https://www.communityfoundations.eu

Mihaela Giurgiu
Peer Learning Expert
ECFI Workshop


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