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Philanthropic Collaborations Database

Since 2021, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Bridgespan Group have partnered on landscape research about collaborative vehicles for philanthropy. The goal of this work is to better understand a collaborative’s value proposition, strategic focus, giving potential, and operations, as well as to provide insight into the opportunities and challenges they experience. The following list of more than 200 organizations is not exhaustive. It consists of collaborative funds that participated in our annual survey along with others identified through Bridgespan research. To minimize the burden placed on individuals, all questions were optional and self-reported, so an organization could choose to leave responses blank. All of those listed have consented to have their information shared. Our intention with this list is to increase visibility for collaborative funding vehicles. Visit our resource center for more information about the value of philanthropic collaboration. You can also download the data set as an Excel file.

Go to: bridgespan.org/insights/philanthropic-collaborations-database


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